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רשימת המועדפים

רשימת המועדפים ריקה.
להוספת מוצר יש להיכנס לדף המוצר וללחוץ על הכפתור [הוספה לרשימת המועדפים].
1st menu bar - based on CSS flex.
2nd menu bar - based on nevia originals:

Radio-frequency communication module (to use with controllers)

56x80 מ"מ
Radio-frequency communication module 
(to use with controllers) - XJ100

נתונים טכניים :  Radio-frequency communication module (to use with controllers) - XJ100


- Radio communication system for controlling and supervising units
- Cover all application fields, from single benches to cold rooms and compressor racks
- The information coming from the controller are transmitted to an XJ100 module and directly sent to the XJ150 connected to the controlling and supervising unit
- Possibility to connect many instruments to the same XJ100
- XJ100 automatic “bridge” function to increase signal throughput between modules
- Easy to use
- Less installation time and costs
- High flexibility
- 0,25VA max power absorption
- Operating frequency: 433,5068MHz
- Range: 80m (no obstacles)
- Wall or panel mounting
- Power supply:
XJ100 (5Vdc directly from the controller);
XJ150 (5Vdc from PWS150J module)

טרמוליין בע"מ Logo טרמוליין בע"מ
צלע ההר 47, מודיעין, ישראל
טל: 02-679-94-79
טל: 03-550-45-27