Probes Sampling System
Overview: For each relay, start\stop its action according to times setting against a clock. In addition, it is also possible to activate cooling\heating against temperature control (setpoint, hysteresis)
This is a generic project, but it can be adjusted to the customer's needs:
• Changing graphics - change logo, colors...
• Changing logic - according to specific needs
Login Page
Login page - There is an option to declare a few users with different levels of access permissions. One user can change some values, while another user is limited only to view values.
Site Name - The same project can be used in some sites.
Customized Error Page
Customized error page - displayed to limited user when trying to browse a page without access permission.
Home Page
Home page - view the current system status.
Analog Inputs
Analog Inputs - Option to configure the probes type. Possible probe types - NTC \ PTC.
Digital Inputs
Digital Inputs - Option to configure the inputs parameters.
Relays - Option to connect each relay to its schedule and regulation.
Schedules - Option to add actions on certain times.
Regulations - Option to add actions on certain states.
Set regulation type - heating or cooling.
Set regulation parameters - setPoint and hysteresis.
Notifications - Option to declare email account and\or SMS account that can receive alarm messages.
Probes History - Option to view a chart of the probes values. One can also download a generated CSV file containing this data.
Relays History - Option to view a chart of the relays values. One can also download a generated CSV file containing this data.